AX7/D365/Operations: Enable/Disable form control in X++


The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how we can enable/disable a form control in X++ based on a business logic.


Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Platform Update 9.

Development approach:

Customization through extension.


  1. Create a post event handler of a standard form method enabling/disabling the form controls. In this case, we are creating a post event handler of a standard method setFieldAccessHeader of SalesQuotationProjTable form.
  2. Please find the event handler method definition as follows.
[PostHandlerFor(formStr(SalesQuotationProjTable), formMethodStr(SalesQuotationProjTable, setFieldAccessHeader))]
public static void SalesQuotationProjTable_Post_setFieldAccessHeader(XppPrePostArgs args)
    FormRun             sender = args.getThis();
    FormDataSource      salesQuotationTable_ds;
    SalesQuotationTable salesQuotationTable;

    salesQuotationTable_ds = sender.dataSource(1);
    salesQuotationTable = salesQuotationTable_ds.cursor();

    sender.control(sender.controlId(formControlStr(SalesQuotationProjTable, DeviceUsageGroup))).enabled((salesQuotationTable.AMDeviceId) ? true : false);


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