In this post, we will learn how to add dialog fields and get run time lookups on the dialog field in AX 2012 SSRS reports. In Dynamics AX 5.0, we used to get this by overriding dialog, dialogpostrun, controlMethodOverload, Field_runTimeFieldId_lookup/modified methods etc. In AX 2012 there is a class by name “ SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder” to serve the same purpose. Example : In the below screen shot, I have added dialog field “Filter by Cust” and in the lookup it will only display the customers who belongs to customer group “20”. Interesting right, now lets see how to accomplish this: Create a new Query by name “SRCustTable” and add data source as “CustTable” as shown below Then create a new temporary Table by name TmpSRSalesTable and add 2 fields CustAccount and SalesId fields as shown below. Now, we need to create contract classes, DP class and Builder class as shown below. Follow the below classes and methods. SRCustomLookupUIBuilde...